Featured Peaks (The 12’ers)
TR documenting a team of 3 ski mountaineers successfully gain Borah’s summit and skiing the southwest gullies for their descent – https://backcountryfocus.wordpress.com/2010/04/20/4-19-10-skiing-mount-borah/
This TR by Dean Lords describes a partial ski descent, (non-summit), of Borah that still yielded ~3000 vertical – https://eastidahooffpiste.wordpress.com/2014/04/21/up-down-and-around-on-borah/
An account of skiing Mount Idaho’s north face, as well as some other peaks in the range – http://mt-adventures.blogspot.com/2012_05_01_archive.html
Here is a TR that I posted in Teton Gravity Research featuring an early June descent, (includes video footage of the descent)- http://www.tetongravity.com/forums/showthread.php/277994-Skiing-Leatherman-Peak-in-the-Lost-River-Range?highlight=leatherman+peak
Sawtooth Mountain Guides blog post of a trip to the Lost River Range. Includes a summit ski descent of Leatherman Peak – http://sawtoothguides.com/2016/05/04/lost-rivers-ski-safari/
This TR features a climb/descent that I made with 2 partners in May, 2016. Technically not the summit, but we were above 12K on the summit ridge, (includes video footage of the descent)- https://hi-adventure.com/mashed-taters-in-the-lost-river-range/
Marc Hanselman recorded this trip report from early May in 2010. This descent is from the true summit of Church. http://scidaho.blogspot.com/2010_05_01_archive.html
1-The “Fish bone” couloirs on the east face, (Wes Collins thinks that this would be a possible first ascent).
2-The north couloir. I scouted this one on my Church trip and if the snow conditions had been better, I was set to give it a go.
Thanks to one of the Idaho Outdoor Forum members, they chased down a TR for Donaldson. The report is from Noah Howell and a group of 4, which included Griffin Post. The link also includes a summit of Church and Bad Rock. Pretty cool TR! One interesting note on this TR is that it is from the 2011 season in June. As I recall, that was another banner snow year in the area. http://www.noahhowell.com/2011/06/summer-camp-idaho/
This trip report is from John Platt from a few years back – http://www.splattski.com/2003/breitenbach/index.html
This trip report is from my first ski descent in the range. Climbing partners were Deb R. and Tom C.- https://hi-adventure.com/skiing-lost-river-peak-super-gully/
Other Lost River Peaks
The following links refer to other ski mountaineering adventures in the range. These are not sorted in any particular order, but I have included these to offer some variety and historical perspectives of ski mountaineering in the range. (Please contact me if you have a trip report that you would like to share).
King Mountain: Rick Baugher gives a brief account of an early descent of this peak in the LRR. The date was May 3, 1986. http://www.network54.com/Forum/105717/message/1490019288/King+Mountain+el+10612%27%2C+early+ski+descent